What is the Aged Care Basic Daily Care Fee?
The Basic Daily Care Fee is payable by all people who receive residential care. This fee is a contribution towards your living expenses in care which includes meals, cleaning, laundry, electricity and water services. This fee is paid by all Aged Care Residents. It is payable normally fortnightly or monthly. This fee applies the whole time you are an Aged Care resident, and whether you are in respite care or if you are away from the facility overnight.
How is the Basic Daily Care Fee Calculated?
This Basic Daily Care Fee equates to 85% of the single basic age pension (excluding the pension supplement). It is indexed every six months on 20 March and 20 September each year in line with increases to the age pension. As of the 20th of September 2024, the current Basic Daily Care Fee is $63.57 per day, or $23,203 per year
An individual entering Aged Care may also be subject to pay a means-tested care fee, an accommodation payment and an extra service fee. Read more in our Aged Care Guide.
At Progressive Financial Solutions, our goal in the Aged Care space is to remove the added financial challenges you will face when placing a loved one into acare facility, allowing you to focus on the care of your loved ones. You can read more about our Aged Care advice services here.